The Laser Skin Center

ULTRASLIM®"Lose Inches Instantly"

Six weekly sessions are typically recommended, and its body-slimming effects are said to be permanent, as long as you maintain a stable weight.

UltraSlim Cold Light is an FDA-cleared, nonsurgical body contouring procedure that uses a proprietary red-light technology known as photobiomodulation to reduce the fat layer just under the skin.

Unlike many nonsurgical fat reduction procedures (like CoolSculpting or UltraShape), UltraSlim doesn’t destroy fat cells, nor does it remove them, like surgical liposuction does. UltraSlim uses its LED red light energy to induce lipolysis in fat cells. The light signals fat cells to go into “starvation” mode, creating a transitory pore in the cell membrane that releases fatty acids and triglycerides, causing the fat cells to shrink. Those liberated fat cell contents are picked up by the lymphatic system, processed by the liver, and excreted naturally over the coming months. Some providers claim that UltraSlim also delivers skin rejuvenation benefits by stimulating new collagen and elastin production.

  • Does UltraSlim really work?
  • Is UltraSlim safe?

UltraSlim is touted as a 32-minute treatment, though your session may take a little longer, depending on the size of the targeted area. At your first appointment, your provider will assess your weight, goals, and medical history to determine whether you’re a good candidate for red light therapy. They should also take "before" photos and measurements in the treatment area.

Your provider will then mark the treatment areas with a pen. You’ll lie down on a cushioned table, and a red light positioned a few inches above your skin will be turned on. You’ll be free to read or listen to music during your procedure. Every eight minutes, the machine will turn off, and you’ll turn 90 degrees. If you’re treating stubborn fat on your stomach and thighs, for example, you’ll spend eight minutes on your back, eight minutes on one side, eight minutes facedown, and eight minutes on the other side.

There’s no discomfort during the procedure. At most, it’ll feel warm. “Treatments are very easy, fast, and painless,” according to one RealSelf member. Afterward, your provider will retake your measurements. You’ll then be free to resume your normal activities, with no recovery time necessary.

A clinical trial sponsored by the device’s manufacturer, Ward Photonics, found that the treatment reduced the circumference of the thighs, hips, and waist by 3.5 inches on average, with some participants losing as many as 10 inches in a single session. They also say they guarantee immediate results, with fat loss of at least 2 inches from your first treatment, or you get your money back, but their website offers no further information on the guarantee. Ask your provider for details.

The patented technology is still relatively new, while the few UltraSlim reviews on RealSelf are generally positive, not everyone sees results. “I weigh the same as before and see no visible difference in my abdominal area and thighs,” reports one RealSelf member who had eight sessions.

Some providers are also skeptical about how well this body contouring treatment works. “We are looking at this technology but have no experience with it,” says Dr. David Janssen, a plastic surgeon in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. “In many ways, [if] it looks too good to be true, usually that is a problem.” To help ensure this is the best treatment option for you, call The Laser Skin Center /Med Spa to schedule a consultation who can offer a range of fat reduction treatments and can assess whether this is your best option.

No side effects or adverse outcomes from red light systems have been reported, and according to the FDA, it is considered a safe treatment (it's categorized in the Risk Group 1, which is the safest category of medical devices).

UltraSlim is not recommended for people who are pregnant, have active cancer, or have photosensitive conditions.

RealSelf Tip: Like other body sculpting procedures, this is not a weight loss solution. Good candidates are close to their ideal weight, with pockets of excess fat. In order to maintain your results, be sure to include healthy dieting and exercise into your routine.



UltraSlim® is the only noninvasive device that is FDA-cleared for immediate fat loss.

The patented UltraSlim® mechanism of action delivers a unique, high-powered red light, which tricks the adipocyte into responding as if it was a time of famine. The fat cell’s membrane is disrupted, resulting in temporary pores which allow the fat to escape.

With UltraSlim®, you will lose the fat permanently through a natural bodily function known as "lipolysis." The contents of the fat cells are excreted primarily in the patient’s waste, as part of the body’s natural detoxification.

UltraSlim® operates at a cellular level and does not generate heat as part of the mechanism of action, but is instead part of an extremely complex, cascading photochemical mechanism.

UltraSlim® is rated as Risk Group 1 -- the safest category of medical devices. Completely noninvasive, UltraSlim® has never shown any side effects and patients do not experience any discomfort.